Donations & Sponsorships

One of the goals of PAL+ is to be a good corporate citizen.

We have adopted a policy of donations and sponsorships to showcase the positive impact of our involvement in social issues.

PAL+ focuses on two causes—wellness and the environment.

We support local organizations (Magog, Orford, or Sherbrooke).

Specific Causes

  • Soirée La Petite Robe noire on Le Grand Cru boat (Fonds de l’Espérance)
  • Donations of prizes for auctions
  • Participation and contribution to the Parcours Parkinson Estrie
  • Élyse L’Espérance is involved as an ambassador and administrator
  • Partner of the Orford Music Award (Espace 4 Saisons)
  • Supporting member (Escapades Memphrémagog)
  • Annual fundraising evening during which Elyse L’Espérance acts as Honorary President and Kóz caters the event.

Other Causes

  • Sponsorship of local events: Feux d’artifice de Magog (fireworks display), Tournoi de golf municipal de Magog, Traversée hivernale Memphrémagog, etc.
  • Donations and sponsorships: Memphremagog Hospital Foundation, ITHQ, Leucan, etc.

Working With Us

Become an Eastern Townships host—par excellence!

PAL+ offers employees a mixture of pleasure and fun with a team of talented, dynamic colleagues.